Vieste, as I saw it.

I don't like the sea, the summer is not my season, but I can't refuse a friend's invitation to Vieste. So I decided to bring my film camera with five rolls, as if I used only two, leaving home the digital one. This rock has a terrible story: It dates from the 1554 siege of the city and looting committed by the Turks commanded by the terrible Dragut Rais. Tradition has it that this was the hardest, bloody and painful blow to the town throughout its history: it is told that Dragut has ordered to kill all Vieste's people that could not be sold as slaves. Disabled and old city were therefore conducted in the vicinity of the cathedral to be slaughtered, and then, beheaded on a boulder that, precisely because of the brutal massacre that saw him star, was renamed "Chianca Amara" (sour stone). That fateful day would fall from more than 5000 Vieste's people old, women and children and their heads were slipped down into the sea. This big rock is the mean monum...